Avoid These 5 Common Early Game Mistakes in Tower of God: New World

Avoid these early game mistakes in Tower of God: New World with our tips on resource management and team building. Play for free on now.gg, no download needed!

Tower of God: New World on now.gg is an exciting game where you collect and train heroes. Getting off to a good start is key to long-term success. If you mess up early, it can cost you a lot of time and effort later on.

In this article, we’ll cover the top 5 mistakes players often make in the early stages. Avoiding these can save you a lot of trouble and help you enjoy the game more. Let’s begin and make sure you start strong!

1. Wasting Resources on Early Game Heroes

In Tower of God: New World, heroes come in different rarities like common, rare, and SSR (super super rare).

It’s tempting to spend your resources on the heroes you get early on, but this can be a big mistake. These early-game heroes might help you at first, but they won’t be strong enough for the tougher challenges later.

Instead, save your resources for SSR+ heroes. These are much stronger and will serve you better in the mid and late-game. Investing in them early can make your journey smoother and more fun. Some top SSR+ heroes to focus on are Hoaqin, Yihwa Yeon, Khun Aguero, Hwaryun Red Mask, and Endorsi. These heroes have better stats and abilities, giving you an advantage as you progress.

By concentrating on SSR+ heroes, you’ll build a more powerful team that can handle any challenge the game throws at you. It’s all about thinking ahead and making smart choices with your resources.

Tip: Save your resources for SSR+ heroes to ensure long-term success.

2. Ignoring Proficiency and Exclusive Equipment

In Tower of God: New World on now.gg, the proficiency system is a key part of making your heroes stronger. It’s all about bonding with your heroes and unlocking cool stuff.

Bonding Unlocks Exclusive Equipment

When you bond with your heroes through proficiency, you can unlock their exclusive equipment. 

This special gear gives your heroes a big boost in stats and abilities, making them much more powerful. Plus, you can unlock other fun things like emotes and voice lines.

Benefits of Exclusive Equipment

Exclusive equipment isn’t just for show. It can significantly enhance your hero’s performance in battles.

Better stats mean your hero can take more hits, deal more damage, and use their skills more effectively. This makes a big difference, especially in tougher battles.

How to Increase Proficiency Levels

Raising proficiency levels is pretty straightforward. Spend time with your heroes by using them in battles and missions. Interact with them in the game to build your bond.

Once you reach level 10 proficiency with a hero, you’ll get their exclusive equipment for free. It’s a great way to make your team stronger without spending extra resources.

Tip: Spend time bonding with your heroes to unlock powerful gear and boost their performance. Our Tower of God beginner’s guide covers everything that you need to know about the game.

3. Ignoring Shinsu Links Across Different Elements

Shinsu Links in Tower of God: New World are connections that boost your heroes’ stats. Each element in the game – like fire, water, and wind – has its own Shinsu Link tree.

Many players make the mistake of focusing all their effort on just one element. While this might make one team strong, it leaves your other heroes weak.

Diversifying your Shinsu Links is a smarter move. By spreading out your upgrades across different elements, you can create a well-rounded team that can handle any challenge.

This approach also makes sure that you aren’t stuck if the game’s meta changes or if you need heroes from different elements for specific battles.

To balance your Shinsu Links, start by identifying the elements of your top heroes. Upgrade the Shinsu Links for those elements first. Then, gradually work on the others. This way, you maintain strong primary teams but also keep your other heroes competitive.

Tip: Spread out your Shinsu Link upgrades to keep all your heroes strong and ready for battle.

4. Falling for Normal Store Item Traps

The Normal Store in Tower of God: New World sells various items that seem tempting but can drain your resources fast. Many players waste gold and other resources here, thinking they need these items immediately.

Buying from the Normal Store can hurt your resource management. The items are often overpriced, and you can quickly run out of gold, making it harder to progress in the game.

Here are some tips to manage your resources better:

  1. Avoid impulse buys.
  2. Save your gold for more critical upgrades and items that truly benefit your heroes in the long run.
  3. Look for daily and weekly quests that reward you with essential items.
  4. Participate in events and login bonuses for free rewards.

Bonus tip: Being patient and strategic with your resources will help you go further in the game.

5. Over-Prioritizing DPS Heroes

It’s easy to focus too much on DPS (Damage Per Second) heroes in Tower of God: New World. They’re flashy and deal a lot of damage, but relying only on them is a mistake.

Importance of a Balanced Team

A balanced team is crucial. DPS heroes can dish out damage, but they’re often fragile. Without tanks and support heroes, your DPS heroes will fall quickly in tough battles.

Tanks absorb damage, protecting your team, while support heroes heal and provide buffs.

Recommended Team Composition

For early game success, aim for a mix. A good team might include two DPS heroes, one tank, and one or two support heroes. This setup ensures you have enough firepower while staying alive longer in battles.

Tip: Balance your team with DPS, tanks, and support heroes to stay strong in all battles. You can also learn from our Tower of God tips and tricks to master the game.

Key Takeaway

Avoiding these common mistakes in Tower of God: New World can make your gaming experience smoother and more enjoyable.

Use the tips provided to manage your resources wisely and build a balanced team. Remember, smart planning and a well-rounded approach go a long way in the game.

You can play Tower of God: New World on now.gg for free on any device, including PC, mobile, laptop, Chromebook, tablet, or iPad, with no download needed. Jump into the game online and enjoy a seamless experience.