The 7 Best Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG Tips and Tricks to Get Better

Become better in Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG with these easy tips and tricks. Learn how to build a strong team, manage resources, and progress smoothly.

If you are playing Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG, you’ll be transported into a world full of magic, battles, and adventure. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned player, there’s always something new to learn.

From picking the right heroes to leveling up faster, these tips will help you improve your game without all the headaches. We will cover everything you need to know to get ahead so you can focus on enjoying the fun parts of the game.

Tip #1: Focus on the Best Heroes Early On

When you start playing Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG, the heroes you select are really important. It’s best to choose S-tier heroes such as Gabriel or Fuma early on, as these top-tier characters have better stats and stronger abilities right from the beginning.

You can also use a Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG tier list to find out which heroes are worth investing in. Whether you need powerful damage, a tough tank, or a hero who can support your team, these guys cover all the bases.

By picking them first, you’re setting yourself up for smoother progress as you face harder challenges. Investing in heroes like these gives your team more flexibility and keeps you ahead in battles.

Tip: Prioritize getting S-tier heroes who can handle different situations from the beginning.

Tip #2: Efficient Rerolling and Summoning Strategies

Rerolling in Magic Chronicle is key if you want to start strong. It’s all about resetting your progress until you get those top-tier heroes. Sure, it takes some time, but having a strong team early on is worth it.

Once you’re ready to summon, always choose the 10x bulk summon option instead of single pulls. Why? You get more value, and your chances of landing rare heroes go up. Plus, the game usually rewards bulk summons with extras.

Platforms such as make rerolling even easier since you can quickly reset without any device issues, letting you build a powerful roster right from the start.

Tip: Stick to 10x summons for better chances of getting rare heroes.

Tip #3: Upgrading and Equipping Heroes for Maximum Efficiency

Leveling up your heroes isn’t just about making them stronger – it’s about keeping your team ready for tougher challenges. Start by using Hero EXP and Copper Coins to boost their levels. When they hit a cap, use Flashing Stardust to unlock new abilities and push them further.

Don’t forget gear upgrades, either. The “Quick Wear” option is a lifesaver, automatically picking the best equipment for your heroes. Regularly checking and updating gear is crucial to keep your team balanced and efficient.

The benefit of playing Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG online on is that you don’t have to worry about storage or device limitations, allowing you to focus on optimizing your team.

Tip: Use the “Quick Wear” feature to easily equip your heroes with the best gear available.

Tip #4: Prioritizing Main Campaign Progression

The main campaign in the beautiful world of Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG on is where you unlock new features and heroes, and get bigger rewards. The further you go, the better your AFK rewards become, which helps with faster leveling and resource gathering.

When you hit tougher stages, take some time to grind resources and level up your team before pushing forward again. Finding a balance between progress and strengthening your heroes keeps things smooth.

Tip: Prioritize progressing through the main campaign to unlock valuable rewards and game features.

Tip #5: Completing Daily and Weekly Tasks

Daily and weekly tasks are a goldmine for resources. Completing them regularly gives you the materials needed to upgrade your heroes and make steady progress.

Even if you don’t have much time, focusing on these tasks keeps your growth consistent. They’re refreshed often, so turning them into a routine ensures you stay competitive without heavy grinding.

Whether you’re a casual player or more dedicated, these tasks are a quick way to keep your team strong and well-prepared for upcoming challenges.

Tip: Make daily and weekly tasks part of your routine for easy rewards.

Tip #6: Experimenting with Team Compositions

Building a strong team in Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG isn’t just about using the most powerful heroes – it’s about finding the right combinations. Try mixing damage dealers, tanks, and support heroes to create a balanced lineup.

Don’t be afraid to use A-tier or even B-tier heroes if you don’t have better options at the moment. They can bring useful skills and fill important gaps in your team’s strategy. Also, swapping out your initial heroes as you unlock more options can reveal surprising synergies.

Different heroes work well together in ways you might not expect. Keeping your team flexible helps you tackle different challenges more easily, making tough stages feel less frustrating and more rewarding as you progress.

Tip: Test different hero combinations to find the best match for each challenge.

Tip #7: Using Lower-Tier Heroes for Smart Leveling

Lower-tier heroes might not be the best for your main team, but they’re still super valuable. In Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG, you can use these A-tier or B-tier heroes to level up your stronger, S-tier ones.

The game lets you sacrifice lower-tier heroes to provide experience and boost the levels of your top characters. This way, you don’t waste rare resources on heroes you don’t plan to keep. It’s an efficient strategy to keep your main team strong without spending extra materials.

Tip: Sacrifice lower-tier heroes to help level up your stronger heroes faster and save your valuable resources.

Wrapping Up

Winning at Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG comes down to smart planning, picking the right heroes, and staying consistent. With these tips, you’re set to level up faster and face challenges with confidence.

What’s great is that you can jump into the game instantly on – no downloads, no waiting. Just play online for free on any device you like, whether it’s a Chromebook, PC, mobile, laptop, tablet, or even an iPad. Enjoy the freedom to play whenever and wherever you want, without the hassle.