Why Mobile Cloud Gaming is the key to the Growth of the Industry?

Know why the concept of mobile cloud gaming will accentuate the growth of the gaming industry going forward.

As storage space becomes a costlier frontier by the day, both in terms of the physical and digital realm, alternatives have begun to emerge. The technological advancements have given rise to the concept of cloud computing, which in the gaming industry is ready to revolutionize the world of games.

Mobile cloud is an extension of the cloud gaming concept, with the focus solely on mobile devices and running games on remote servers that support mobile infrastructures. 

Mobile gaming has taken the gaming industry by storm over the last few years. That we are seeing popular PC titles like Pokemon, League of Legends, Apex Legends, PUBG, and more being ported to suit mobile screens and audiences is proof enough of the fact that the industry has become aware of mobile gaming being the future of gaming.

To add to it, the mobile industry has grown to become the biggest in the global market, capturing 52% of it, with PC and console gaming making up the rest, as per Newzoo. As the mobile industry continues to grow, mobile cloud will aid its entry into the next generation of gaming.

Let us dive into the clear advantages provided by mobile cloud and why it is key to the industry’s growth.

Cost Convenience for Users

A user doesn’t have to invest as many resources to play their favorite games, as they do without the presence of a mobile cloud. A mobile cloud eliminates the need for storage space, the need for a device upgrade in many cases along with elimination of the cumbersome process (to some) of downloading and installing the game. The developers gain access to a wider user base, thanks to the reduction in investment required by the users to play their games.

Mobile cloud will enable developers to access markets without any limitations or conditions to their entry into the same. To add to it, the mobile cloud also eliminates any entry barriers for casual gamers, extending another portion of the market for the developers, a market that has been left untapped for a while now.

Users, User Acquisition and The Cost Efficacy for Developers

Mobile cloud allows developers to bear the cost of discoverability and in turn, eliminating any potential cost for the users to access the game. This allows users to be more forthcoming with trying the game out and be more approaching towards the developers’ titles. Apart from encouraging the users, it also allows developers to map and relate their costs directly to their user base while also enabling access to a larger number of users.

Mobile cloud services like now.gg offer developers the opportunity to lower their cost of user acquisition compared to legacy platforms like the Apple App Store, Steam, and more, by taking a lower cut (5% vs 30%) in terms of transaction fees. 

This, in turn, allows developers to provide more perks and have more room to incentivize users in order to attract them towards their games. Developers can also witness organic growth, with users able to get others to play the game by just sharing the link at the click of a button. 


Mobile cloud accentuates portability, with the game progress and everything saved on the cloud and on your respective account rather than your device. This allows the user to complete daily missions and objectives without worrying about their own location and the presence of their own device in order to do so.

This keeps the user engaged and hooked on to the game and its rolling objectives, which serves as validation for the developers.


Mobile cloud has embedded cross-platform support due to the fact that it does not take into account the device it is being run on to a large extent. Since all the information and game progress is saved onto the cloud, players can access the game from any device, thus enabling the cross-platform feature without incorporating it into the mechanics or aesthetics of the said game. 

Through our experience of more than 10 years in this industry, we are aware of the demographic that wants to try out some of the mobile games on other platforms. The embedded cross-platform feature equips a mobile game developer with a window into the PC or console demographic as well, with some users opting to try the games out on other platforms.