Zombieland: Doomsday Survival Tier List: Check All the Character Rankings

Do you want to check out the Zombieland: Doomsday Survival tier list to see the best and worst heroes? Here, you can get simple tips to build your team.

Zombieland: Doomsday Survival on now.gg is an action-packed game where you build a team of heroes to fight off zombies. Choosing the right heroes can make a big difference in how well you do in the game.

The tier list below will help you identify the best and worst characters, making your experience on now.gg even better. Whether you’re new or experienced, this list will show you who to focus on and who to skip. Let’s look at the top and bottom heroes in the game!

How the Tier System Works

The tier system in Zombieland: Doomsday Survival ranks heroes from S to C. S-tier heroes are the strongest and can really make a difference in your team.

A-tier heroes are also great, but they might need more support. B-tier heroes are average – they can be useful but aren’t standout performers.

C-tier heroes usually have limited abilities and aren’t recommended for serious play. We rank these heroes based on their abilities, how well they fit into different teams, and how versatile they are.

To learn more about this game, feel free to read our Zombieland: Doomsday Survival beginner’s guide.

Tip: Always aim for S-tier heroes to boost your team’s strength!

Top Picks: S-Tier Heroes

S-tier heroes in Zombieland: Doomsday Survival are the cream of the crop. These powerful and versatile characters can carry your team through tough battles. Let’s take a closer look at the best of the best.


  • Role: Control
  • Camp: Creation
  • Key Abilities: Crowd control, area damage

Renata comes from the Creation camp and excels at crowd control. She can damage multiple enemies at once and keep them in check. Renata’s area damage and control abilities make her essential for handling large groups of enemies.


  • Role: Assassin
  • Camp: Guardian
  • Key Abilities: High damage, debuffs, targeted attacks

Jennifer is a fierce assassin from the Guardian camp. She deals high damage and can debuff enemies, making them weaker. Her targeted attacks focus on the strongest opponents, taking them down quickly. She’s a top choice for eliminating key threats.


  • Role: Assassin
  • Camp: Evil
  • Key Abilities: Damage over time, self-healing

Melinda is an assassin from the Evil camp with a knack for damage over time. She not only hits hard but also heals herself with each kill. This self-sufficiency makes Melinda a valuable asset in any prolonged fight.


  • Role: Control
  • Camp: Destruction
  • Key Abilities: Debilitating enemies, continuous damage

Kalian, from the Destruction camp, is all about crippling enemies. She inflicts continuous damage and debuffs, weakening opponents over time. Kalian’s skills make her perfect for long battles where wearing down enemies is key.

Tip: Focus on building a team around S-tier heroes to dominate the game!

Solid Choices: A-Tier Heroes

A-tier heroes in Zombieland: Doomsday Survival on now.gg are strong picks that can shine in the right setup. They might not carry the team solo, but they bring valuable skills to the table.


  • Role: Assassin
  • Camp: Guardian
  • Key Abilities: Backline disruption, dodge mechanics

Jamie, from the Guardian camp, specializes in targeting the enemy’s backline. She disrupts the most dangerous enemies and dodges attacks, getting stronger with each dodge. Jamie is perfect for taking out high-priority targets.


  • Role: Assassin
  • Camp: Guardian
  • Key Abilities: Multi-target attacks, high burst damage

Catherine, another Guardian assassin, excels at taking down multiple enemies quickly. Her high burst damage can clear out groups, making her a great pick for battles with many enemies.


  • Role: Defensive
  • Camp: Chaos
  • Key Abilities: Tanking, critical damage

Lloyd, from the Chaos camp, is a defensive hero who can take and deal a lot of damage. His skills increase his critical damage as the battle goes on, making him a solid tank that can also hit hard.


  • Role: Attack
  • Camp: Nature
  • Key Abilities: Frontline control, immunity to control effects

Cardino is an attack hero from the Nature camp. She’s a powerhouse on the front lines, able to silence enemies and avoid being controlled. Cardino is key for holding the front and keeping enemies in check.

Tip: Pair A-tier heroes with strong support to maximize their impact!

Decent Options: B-Tier Heroes

B-tier heroes in Zombieland: Doomsday Survival are decent picks that can fit into many teams. They might not be the strongest, but they have their uses.


  • Role: Support
  • Camp: Evil
  • Key Abilities: Crowd control, offense/defense versatility

Sandman, from the Evil camp, offers a mix of crowd control and damage. He can petrify enemies and switch between offensive and defensive roles, making him adaptable in battles.


  • Role: Support
  • Camp: Guardian
  • Key Abilities: Buffs allies, situational damage boosts

Whip, from the Guardian camp, is a support hero who boosts her team’s attack. She’s great for giving your team a little extra punch when needed.


  • Role: Attack
  • Camp: Creation
  • Key Abilities: Frontline presence, attack stealing

Pyra, from the Creation camp, is an attack hero who steals enemy power. She’s solid on the frontline, holding her own against tougher foes.


  • Role: Assassin
  • Camp: Nature
  • Key Abilities: Scaling damage, critical strikes

Selena, an assassin from the Nature camp, gets stronger as the fight goes on. Her critical strikes become more powerful with each hit, making her a good choice for long battles.

Tip: Use B-tier heroes to fill gaps in your team and add extra utility!

Heroes to Skip: C-Tier Picks

C-tier heroes in Zombieland: Doomsday Survival generally lack the effectiveness needed for competitive play. They often have limited abilities and aren’t very useful.


  • Role: Attack
  • Camp: Guardian
  • Key Weaknesses: Limited skills, low versatility

Mario, an attack hero from the Guardian camp, has limited skills and lacks versatility. He’s not able to adapt well to different situations.


  • Role: Support
  • Camp: Nature
  • Key Weaknesses: Ineffective healing, lack of targeting

Shaman, from the Nature camp, struggles with ineffective healing and can’t target specific allies. Her support is minimal, making her a weak choice.


  • Role: Assassin
  • Camp: Guardian
  • Key Weaknesses: Poor targeting, minimal impact

Nanny, also from the Guardian camp, has poor targeting and minimal impact in battles. She’s often more of a liability than an asset.

Heroes That Have Three or Fewer Skills

Heroes with only three or fewer skills are usually underpowered and not worth investing in. They lack the abilities needed to be effective in combat.

To progress through the chapters in an easier way, make sure to read our Zombieland: Doomsday Survival tips and tricks.

Tip: Focus on more capable heroes to build a stronger team!

Wrapping Up

Choosing the right heroes in Zombieland: Doomsday Survival can really boost your gameplay. It’s fun to try different team combinations and see what works best for you.

Remember, you can play Zombieland: Doomsday Survival on now.gg for a seamless experience, whether you’re on PC, laptop, mobile, tablet, Chromebook, or iPad. Plus, there’s no need to download anything – just jump in and play online for free on any device.