The Ultimate Cursed Tower Defense Strategy Guide: Dominate Every Wave

Learn the best strategies to defend your gems in Cursed Tower Defense. Master tower placement and resource management with this extremely helpful guide!

Cursed Tower Defense on is a fun strategy game where the main goal is simple: protect your precious gems from waves of sneaky enemies. But don’t be fooled it’s not just about building towers – it’s about making smart choices and adapting as the game gets tougher.

You’ll need to think on your feet and adjust your defenses to handle different enemies. This guide is here to help you improve your strategies so you can not only survive but win. The best part? You can play for free on, without any downloads, whether you’re on PC, mobile, Chromebook, tablet, or iPad.

The Three Tower Types

In Cursed Tower Defense, there are three main tower types, each with its own strengths: Orcs, Undead, and Demons.

Orc Towers

The Orc Den towers shoot arrows at enemies. They have a decent range and do moderate damage, making them a solid choice in the early game. Den towers are great for dealing with weaker enemies and should be placed near the start of enemy paths to pick off incoming waves. If you upgrade them, they can deal with critical hits or even hit multiple enemies with splash damage.

Undead Towers

Crypt towers from the Undead race are excellent long-range attackers. They fire homing projectiles that never miss. Their special abilities, such as fear, can stall enemies and keep them within range longer. Crypts are perfect for open areas where their long range can really shine, especially when you need to slow down powerful enemies such as Knights.

Demon Towers

Demon Temple towers use continuous beams to damage enemies. Though they have a short range, they deal heavy damage to a single target. These towers are ideal for placing near key chokepoints or on high ground where they can focus on tougher enemies without distractions.

Tip: Combine towers from different races to balance range, damage, and crowd control. Plus, if you’re new to the game and still figuring things out, our Cursed Tower Defense beginner’s guide is a great place to start. It will walk you through the basics and help you learn how to deal with early waves of enemies.

Strategic Tower Placement

Where you place your towers can make or break your defense. Chokepoints and corners are your best friends in Cursed Tower Defense. When enemies are forced to slow down or bunch up, your towers have more time to deal damage. Placing towers near these spots means you’ll hit more enemies at once, making them much more effective.

High ground is another important factor. Towers placed on high ground get a boost in range and damage, making them even more powerful. You’ll want to put your strongest towers, such as Burning Temples or Chilling Crypts, on these elevated spots to maximize their impact.

Tip: Always take a moment to scout the map and place your towers where they’ll cover the most ground!

Advanced Resource Management: Gold and Mana

Managing gold in Cursed Tower Defense on is about knowing when to spend and when to hold back. Early on, it’s tempting to place towers everywhere, but smart players know that spreading too thin leaves you vulnerable. Start with a few well-placed towers to control key spots, and save gold for quick reinforcements when you need them most.

Later, you’ll need to decide between upgrading towers or building new ones. Here’s the trick: if enemies are slipping past your defenses, upgrading might give you the power boost you need, but sometimes, adding another tower at a key spot is the smarter choice.

Mana, on the other hand, is your emergency button. Spells such as Frenzy can turn a losing battle around, but mana doesn’t recharge quickly. Save your spells for critical moments, like when a ninja wave shows up, or bosses start pushing through.

Tip: Keep a balance – don’t overbuild early, but also don’t wait too long to boost your towers. Also, with Cursed Tower Defense online cloud benefits on, you can easily access the game on multiple devices and test different strategies.

Enemy Types and How to Counter Them

In Cursed Tower Defense, enemies come in various forms, each requiring different strategies. Here’s a breakdown of all 10 enemies and how to stop them.


  • HP: 40
  • Speed: Normal

These are the easiest enemies to deal with, but they come in large numbers. Use Ballista Dens to quickly wipe them out with splash damage.


  • HP: 70
  • Speed: Fast

Rogues move quickly but aren’t too tough. Standard towers such as Dens or Orcish Dens work well to stop them early on.


  • HP: 120
  • Speed: Slow

Warriors are bulkier enemies that take more hits to defeat. Use Chilling Crypts to slow them down and Burning Temples to finish them off.


  • HP: 150
  • Speed: Slow
  • Special Ability: Shield (blocks 5 damage per hit)

Knights can withstand more hits because of their shields. Place Burning Temples and Orcish Dens to deal consistent damage and bypass their shields.


  • HP: 120
  • Speed: Normal
  • Special Ability: Lute of Haste (boosts nearby enemies’ speed by 50%)

Bards speed up other enemies, making them more dangerous. Take them out quickly using Chilling Crypts to slow them and Temples to do heavy damage.


  • HP: 100
  • Speed: Normal
  • Special Ability: Barrier (regenerates health over time)

Mages are protected by barriers that regenerate health. Use Burning Temples or Chilling Crypts to keep them in range longer and burn through their barriers.


  • HP: 400
  • Speed: Slow
  • Special Ability: Sacred Tome (immune to status effects)

These enemies are immune to negative effects such as fear or slow, so you’ll need raw firepower. Focus on Burning Temples and Orcish Dens to whittle down their high health.


  • HP: 100
  • Speed: Fast
  • Special Ability: Smokebomb (turns invisible for 5 seconds)

Ninjas become invisible after being hit, making them hard to track. Place Temples at the start of their path to trigger their invisibility early, then rely on Ballista Dens and Crypts to finish them off.


  • HP: 120
  • Speed: Fast
  • Special Ability: Dancing Blade (dodges 50% of attacks)

Assassins are tough because they can dodge half of your attacks. Use Frenzy with fast-firing towers such as Dens or Temples to overwhelm them with multiple shots.


  • HP: 120
  • Speed: Normal
  • Special Ability: Healing Wand (heals nearby enemies for 30 HP)

Priests heal other enemies, so they should be prioritized. Use Chilling Crypts to slow them down and Burning Temples for strong, consistent damage to prevent healing.

Tip: Build a combination of towers to deal with all enemy types – especially sneaky Ninjas and strong Paladins!

Adapting to Maps and Waves

Each map in Cursed Tower Defense comes with its own unique layout, which means you’ll need to adjust your strategy accordingly. Some maps are better suited for certain towers, so it’s important to place your defenses where they’ll be most effective.

As the waves progress, enemies will get tougher and faster, so you’ll need to keep upgrading your towers or even shift your defenses to new areas. Always check what types of enemies are coming next so you can prepare in advance.

Tip: Pay close attention to both the map layout and enemy waves to adjust your strategy on the fly!

Wrapping Up

Cursed Tower Defense is all about experimenting and finding what works best for your strategy. Don’t worry if you lose a few waves here and there because it’s all part of the learning process. The key is to adapt and keep trying different tactics.

Also, keep in mind that you can play for free, without any download, on using any device like a PC, mobile, laptop, Chromebook, iPad, or tablet. So, keep testing out different tower combinations and strategies to find your winning formula. Have fun defending those gems, and don’t be afraid to switch things up!